Help for Dizziness
Things You'll Need
- Ginger root (fresh)
- Potato peeler
- Chopping knife
- 1 cup distilled water
- Pot
- Stove top
- Coffee mug
- Lemon
Purchase a fresh ginger root from your local health food store. Insure the ginger root is firm and fresh. Break off a small piece of it; if it makes a clean snapping noise then it is at its freshest, whereas if it is soft and/or mushy try to find another one.
Rinse root under cold water, then peel it with a potato peeler. Slice it into thin slices, about ½-inch thick, length-wise, so that you have long slices of ginger as your end result.
Boil one cup of distilled water for about five minutes on medium heat, then toss in three slices of your ginger and cover. Let sit on medium heat for another five minutes.
Pour water, with the slices, into a coffee cup carefully. Take a lemon and cut a small slice out of it, and squeeze the juice of the slice into your tea. Let the tea cool until it is your preferred temperature. Chew on the pieces of ginger leftover in the tea to further help with dizziness.