How to Prevent Flatulence in Colostomates
Choose a high quality colostomy bag that has a gas outlet and a deodorizing ring with a vertical vent and gas outlet. Empty the bag whenever it is half to one-third full. Clean the end of the bag to prevent unwanted odors.
Eat a diet that includes high-fiber foods such as oatmeal, cereal and whole-grain breads as well as fruits and vegetables to avoid constipation. Try these foods in small portions at first to avoid cramping and diarrhea. Add these foods to the diet slowly over a period of time.
Do not skip meals, as this can create flatulence in colostomates.
Avoid gas-producing foods such as asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, onions, beans, eggs and fish. Avoid melons, beer and fatty foods when trying to control flatulence.
Reduce the chance of flatulence by eating slowly and avoiding the use of straws, as swallowed air can cause flatulence. Avoid carbonated drinks at least early when the colostomy is new and healing. Eat six small meals a day to assist digestion.
Add fresh parsley, buttermilk and yogurt to the diet to reduce flatulence.
Drink six to eight cups of water a daily unless instructed to limit your intake by your heath care provider. Include water, juice and milk in the daily diet. Limit the amount of caffeine such as coffee, tea and soda.