What Is the Meaning of the Medical Term Asthenia?
The term asthenia is derived from the Latin "astheneia," which in turn was derived from the Greek word "asthenes," meaning weak. As a medical term, asthenia first appeared in English in 1802.
Types and Causes
General asthenia is that which affects the entire body, and is caused by any condition that might induce weakness or a loss of vitality. Examples include fibromyalgia or other debilitating pain conditions; cancer and the treatments associated with it; leukemia; and chemical poisoning.
Neurocirculatory Asthenia
One kind of localized asthenia is known as neurocirculatory asthenia, also known as Da Costa's syndrome. Often experienced by soldiers who have recently seen combat, neurocirculatory asthenia is characterized by difficulty breathing, palpitations, nervousness, chest discomfort, and faintness. Rather than being a chronic condition, this kind of asthenia tends to manifest itself in attacks.