Death Rattle Symptoms
Rattling Sounds
The sound of a death rattle is the most obvious symptom. Patients who experience a death rattle will begin to make a noise that is similar to a rattle. Labored breathing may accompany this symptom, but in many cases the rattling noise occurs with normal breathing.
Secretions In Throat
When a patient is very ill, the lungs and the entire respiratory system begin to function at a decreased level. This causes the respiratory secretions (mucus and saliva) to pool up in the throat. When the patient tries to speak or even to simply breathe normally, the death rattle occurs. The respiratory secretions may leak from the mouth in the form of saliva.
Inability To Cough Or Swallow
Some patients with a death rattle will experience an inability to cough or swallow normally. While this will not normally cause pain to the patient, it may be the most uncomfortable symptom of the death rattle. In some cases this symptom is relieved with the use of suction that removes the mucus from the back of the throat. However, the suction is typically done only if the family of the patient is very distressed by the death rattle noise. The suctioning action can be painful for the patient, and will typically cause more discomfort that the difficulty swallowing or coughing will.