The Effects of Hanging Upside Down
Inversion Therapy
Especially used for temporary relief from back pain, inversion therapy consists of moderate excercise while hanging upside down. Though it is not been proven as a technique with long-term benefits, the therapy has proven useful in relieving tension in the back and helps stretch the spine This form of therapy is also believed to be beneficial in aiding blood circulation, since hanging upside down allows blood to flow more steadily to the brain.
In Yoga
Turning the body upside to temporarily reverse the effects of gravity is a common exercise technique in yoga. Since gravity incessantly pushes down on the body, causing gradual shrinkage over time, consistent use of this exercise works to elongate the spine and improve blood flow. From a mental relaxation standpoint, hanging upside down is believed to aid in relaxation and boost energy.
Negative Effects
Though useful in certain situations, hanging upside down can be harmful if done improperly or for too long. Those with shoulder or neck injuries can actually injure themselves further by attempting upside down or do hand or head-stands. Hanging upside down causes the blood to flow more quickly to the brain and slows the circulation to legs and feet. If done for a prolonged period of time, this can cause blood to pool in the brain and pressure to build behind the eyes. In extreme cases, hanging upside down too long can cause blindness, brain hemmorhage, seizures or even death.