Prostate Sitting Problems
The Prostate
The prostate gland is part of the male reproductive system. Considered an accessory organ, meaning you can function without it, it “lies just below the urinary bladder, where it surrounds the base of the urethra,” according to the textbook "Comprehensive Medical Terminology."
Pain While Sitting
Because of its location, any time a male sits it can affect the prostate gland. Sitting puts pressure on the pelvic region. The tissue in the area is pressed together and can cause pain and inflammation. On the Bright Hub website, science and technology writer Victoria Trix writes that sitting “cuts off blood circulation to the bladder, urethra and prostate.” She adds that when this happens for a long period of time, cells break down and nerves can become trapped.
Abnormal Prostatic Conditions
Prostatodynia is the generic medical term for any painful prostatic condition. Prostatitis is inflammation of the prostate. It can be ongoing or occur suddenly. The inflammation is usually one cause of the pain. Benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) often occurs in men over the age of 50. This condition is noncancerous, but swelling of the prostate gland obstructs the urethra or the bladder. Prostate cancer is one of the most serious, and well known, prostate pathologies.
Non-Surgical Treatments
Because excess weight puts more pressure on the prostate, some men are advised to lose weight to relieve prostate pain. When possible, lying down instead of sitting is helpful. This too relieves pressure that causes pain or inflammation.
Prostate cushions or pillows are common for prostatic conditions. The cushions are usually more rigid on the sides, but bend in the middle to keep the nerves from being trapped. Sometimes medications are used to relieve pain. Doctors can suggest something as simple as Tylenol, or prescribe narcotics for more severe cases.
Prostatic massage is an uncommon treatment. This procedure involves a physician's inserting a finger into the rectum to relieve pressure, so it is not usually the first choice for relief.
Some men find the use of a heating pad helpful, especially when they are sitting in a car, or at the office, for a long period of time.
Several surgeries are available when non-surgical approaches have been exhausted or are not recommended. If nerve entrapment is the problem, surgery can be performed to decompress those nerves. Transurethral Resection of the Prostate (TURP) is a surgery that involves cutting and untangling the tissue surrounding the prostate.
Another surgical treatment is a prostatectomy, or complete removal of the prostate gland. Physicians usually perform this under the most extreme circumstances, usually for patients who have been diagnosed with cancer.