Arch Support for Pain
When you have over-pronation this causes too much stretching on the plantar fascia, which is the broad band of fibrous tissue that is located along the bottom of your foot. Inflammation results when the plantar fascia is stretching away from the heal. This causes pain in your arch and in your heel. If you do not treat this condition, a heel spur, which is a bony protrusion, can result, notes Flat feet often result in over-pronation but not everyone that over-pronates is flat-footed, according to On the other hand, if you have an inflexible, high arch this can cause you to under-pronate. For those who do over-pronate, medial or arch side support is crucial because the support will prevent your foot from rolling too far inward.
Padded shoe inserts called orthotics can provide support to your arch, which should help eliminate your pain. Wearing shoes that have shock absorbing soles, a reasonable heel and that are made of soft leather, as well as getting fitted with removable foot insoles, or orthotics, will prevent pain as well as give much needed support to your arches.
When the pain is specifically caused by flat feet, select an orthotic with a medial heel post and proper arch support, according to This type of orthotic helps correct and control over-pronation, which will relieve the pain you are experiencing in your arches.
Orthotics, which are padded shoe inserts, control the movement of your feet when they are moving abnormally. Good shoes, along with orthotics, will support the heel area and the midfoot, which will relieve the stress on your arches.
Some individuals tape their feet to provide support to their arches and restrict motion. Anti-inflammatory medications can also be taken to relieve pain. These techniques, coupled with the use of orthotics, should help you tremendously.
In addition, you need to consider if you are doing something that is aggravating your arch pain. If necessary, modify your activities. Stretching your calves every day helps relieve pressure on the foot. Foot orthoses should definitely be used if a structural imbalance is present, which your foot doctor can determine.