How to Stop and Prevent Water Weight Naturally
Check the sodium content of the foods you eat. Watch your sodium and keep your daily allowance within the 1,500-to-2,300-mg range to combat extra water in your extremities, states the Mayo Clinic.
Consume vegetables and fruits. Foods with a high water content--such as watermelons, cantaloupes, lettuce and other leafy vegetables--help flush excess water from your body. Add these foods to your daily diet to stop water retention.
Drink plenty of water. The more fluids you drink, the more water you'll flush from your body. Water is best due to it's zero sodium content. Drink at least eight glasses of water a day. You can also incorporate other low- or zero-sodium beverages, such as fresh juice and decaf teas.
Exercise regularly. Get rid of extra fluids through perspiration with daily workouts and other forms of physical activity.
Eat fewer carbohydrates. Carbs--such as rice, potatoes and pasta--cause the body to hold onto water and triggers water weight. Reduce your intake to help fight fluid retention.