How to Get Rid of Brain Fog and Improve Mental Clarity

Being overly tired, dealing with a chronic condition and lack of proper nutrition can all contribute to brain fog. People living with brain fog often complain of decreased mental clarity, sluggishness and low energy. There's no one single cause of brain fog. However, there are numerous ways to relieve this condition and improve your brain function.

Things You'll Need

  • Supplements
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      Get more sleep. Inadequate sleep can decrease brain function and contribute to brain fog. Get into a habit of sleeping eight hours a night. Avoid caffeine and stimulating activities before bed. Both can increase alertness and interfere with brain function.

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      Take supplements. Poor nutrition or lack of essential vitamins can bring on brain fog. Start a multivitamin to receive your daily supply of vitamins and improve mental clarity. Speak with a doctor before starting vitamins, especially if you take prescription medications.

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      Exercise. Low energy triggers brain fog. Boost your energy level naturally with physical activity. Incorporate exercises such as walking, jogging or aerobics into your daily routine. Aim for 30 minutes of exercise a day.

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      Fight depression. Low moods and depression can contribute to brain fog. Talk to a doctor about antidepressants or experiment with natural mood enhancers such as Sam-E and St. John's Wort.

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      Detox your body. The accumulation of toxins from foods, artificial sweeteners and chemicals affect brain function. Drink plenty of water to flush toxins from your body and eat fresh fruits and vegetables

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      Consult a physician. Medical conditions such as hyperglycemia and adrenal fatigue can trigger chronic brain fog, as can prescription medications. See a doctor if your condition doesn't improve after making lifestyle and dietary changes.

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