What Are the Benefits of a Slant Board?
Relieves Pressure
The slant board offers a more comfortable alternative to total inversion in which the person is suspended vertically from the feet. Either the vertical or the slanted position reduces the compression of the internal organs.
More Benefits
Use of the slant board is also purported to increase blood flow and oxygen distribution throughout the body.
Feeds the Brain
One of the most important benefits may be the increase in blood flow to the brain. Some claim that use of the board will improve memory, relieve dizziness and produce relaxation.
Miscellaneous Improvements
Among all the additional conditions that may be eliminated or improved with use of a slant board are sinus congestion, bad eyesight, heart problems, hair loss and cellulite.
Certain conditions indicate that the slant board might compromise the patient's health. Among these are high blood pressure, hemophilia, cancer, appendicitis, ulcers and pregnancy.