Signs & Symptoms of Rheumatic Fever in Children
Joint Pain
According to the Lucille Packard Children's Hospital at Stanford, one of the major criteria used in diagnosing rheumatic fever is polyarthritis, or the inflammation of multiple joints. The most common joints affected are the wrists, ankles, elbows and knees, although it is possible to have pain or tenderness in the hips, hands, feet and shoulders. Joint pain may move from one joint to another over the course of several days.
Inflammation of the heart, or carditis, is another symptom of rheumatic fever. Symptoms include heart murmur, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, fluttering heartbeat and chest pain. If left untreated, rheumatic fever may result in permanent damage to the heart.
Subcutaneous Nodules
Children with rheumatic fever often develop subcutaneous nodules near bony areas close to large joints. These small bumps are located underneath the child's skin and do not cause pain. According to the Merck Online Manual, approximately two percent of children with rheumatic fever develop nodules, usually in conjunction with other symptoms.
According to the Mayo Clinic, erythema marginatum, a pink or red rash with irregular shaping or strange edges, is another symptom of rheumatic fever. The rash may be somewhat raised and commonly develops on the child's legs or arms or on the trunk of the child's body.
Sydenham's Chorea
According to the Merck Online Manual, Sydenham's Chorea occurs in approximately ten percent of children infected with rheumatic fever. The condition is characterized by jerky, uncontrolled movement of the body, emotional outbursts, tongue darting, grimaces, diminished fine motor skills and an irregular grip. It is caused by rheumatic fever's affect on the neuromuscular system, which results in altered movement and often a change in handwriting skills. This commonly affects the face, feet and hands, although it may also affect the legs and arms. Chorea may be accompanied by behavioral outbursts such as crying or laughing at inappropriate times.
Additional Symptoms
Additional symptoms include fever, abdominal discomfort, diminished appetite, fatigue and weight loss.