What Is the Normal Estrogen Level at Ovulation?
The level of estrogen is measured in parts of pg/ml o f estradiol.
Types of Estrogen
According to Antiaging Guide, estrogen can exist in three forms: estrone, estradiol and estriol. Estradiol is the most potent and is converted to the weaker estrone and then to estriol when the levels of progesterone rises.
Estrogen Peak
Estrogen level peaks just prior to ovulation. The increased level of estrogen causes the release of leutenizing hormone to trigger the release of the egg.
Normal Estrogen Level
Normal estradiol range for normal reproductive age women is from 5 to 400 pg/ml.
Low Estrogen Level
According to Mayo clinic, low levels of estrogen can result in ovarian disorder, which prevent the ovary from releasing eggs.