Mange in Cats and Dogs
Understanding Mange
The are several types of mange. Cases of mange can range from mild to chronic. Parasites are the most common cause of this condition. When your cat or dog gets mange, the symptoms likely will include itching, skin lesions and even massive hair loss.
The parasites that cause mange are actually ear mites. The most usual ear mites are the Notoedres cati, Sarcoptes canis, or Demodex canis. Mites can be easily transmitted among animals. There are even rare cases in which cats have spread mites to humans. The major type of mange that humans can get is called scabies. Mites are either a non-burrowing or burrowing. Burrowing mites dig down into the skin, forming tunnels and laying eggs along these tunnels. The non-burrowing mites feed on the skin by sucking both blood and tissue.
Mange in cats and dogs comes in five varieties. The most common type is noteodric mange. More rare forms are sarcoptic, cheyletiella and demodectic mange. Noteodric mange also is referred to as head mange or scabies. Mites infest the dog or cat by burrowing under the skin. This leads to scratching, which also can cause bleeding and sores. This form of mange is highly contagious and, in most cases, it affects the faces of dogs and cats. It also can appear around the neck, ears and body.
To prevent mange, groom your pets often and always keep the pet's living space clean. A healthy and clean environment can go a long way in preventing mange.
The preferred treatment is Ivermectin. A veterinarian usually applies this to the skin of your pet. There also are different effective forms of shampoos that can help you treat or even prevent mange. Vitamin C also is reliable when it comes to treating this condition as it lessens the effects of a potential allergy. Vitamin A also can help restore, repair and protect the skin of your pet.