Signs & Symptoms of Hepatotoxicity & Liver Failure
Jaundice is a condition that causes yellowing in the whites of the eyes (sclerae) as well as the skin. It is the result of an excessive buildup of bilirubin in the blood. Bilirubin is a yellowish brown chemical in bile, a substance produced by the liver. As the liver loses the ability to effectively break down these chemicals, they store up in the body, which results in jaundice. The darker the yellowing, the worse the condition of the liver.
Discoloration of Urine and Feces
Presence of bilirubin in stool is what gives it its dark color. When it is not properly processed in the liver, it can cause stools to be pale in color. Moreover, this excess buildup of bilirubin can become present in other body fluids such as urine. Urine that is dark in color can be an indication of excess bilirubin, a sign of liver damage.
Chronic Itching of the Skin
When the human liver is compromised, a common symptom is extreme itching and irritation of the skin. Less is known about why this phenomenon occurs. Some speculate it is the result of the liver's inability to filter the common toxins and irritants that enter the human body. With nowhere to go, these toxins can sometimes accumulate in the skin, causing the itch.
Swollen Legs and/or Abdomen
In severe cases of hepatotoxicity and liver failure, excess fluids can accumulate in the body. Typically, these fluids collect in the legs and cause swelling, a condition known as edema. This fluid can also accumulate in the abdomen, causing swelling and pain. When fluid accumulates in the abdomen, it is known as ascites.
Easy Bruising and Bleeding
Of the many jobs the liver is responsible for, one of the most critical is the production of proteins that aid in the clotting of blood. As less of this protein is made available, it becomes easier for the body to become bruised. Frequent nosebleeds are often another symptom of this lack of clotting proteins.