Anodized Aluminum Cookware Health Dangers
The Link to Alzheimer's Disease
Back in the 1970s, there was a study done in Canada that linked the use of aluminum pots and pans to Alzheimer's disease. The reasoning for this was that Alzheimer's patients were found to have higher levels of aluminum in their brains than healthy people post-mortem. Since that study was done, the findings have been discounted and there doesn't seem to be a link between the use of aluminum pans, which are the most used kitchen utensil today, and the disease. The anodization process makes the danger even less likely because anodizing makes the oxide surface much thicker that a non-anodized metal surface, thus protecting the alloy.
Bones and Kidney Function
Some experts say that overexposure to aluminum may actually weaken your bones because they cause the body to lose its stores of phosphorus and calcium. Additionally, there is the fear that the exposure may also damage a person's kidneys. If you are using brand new anodized aluminum cookware that is free of scratches, your risk of these two dangers is minimal, if not non-existent. The dangers are mentioned mostly because there are no truly long-term studies that show what happens to pans that have gone through the anodization process over time. Experts do seem to agree though, that if the anodized pans are free of scratches or mechanical defects, they are safe to use.
Reactions to Food
The problem with standard aluminum pots, ones that are non-anodized, is that they are more reactive with ingredients such as tomato sauce. The reaction from the acidity of the tomatoes, or other ingredients that are highly acidic, causes some aluminum to leach off the pan and into your dinner. While the jury is still out on whether regular cooking will actually cause such health dangers, many experts think that just staying away from aluminum pans altogether is the best choice to make to ensure your safety. If you really want to use an aluminum pan, you should use one that has been anodized. If you make sure that your anodized pan is in good repair and not scratched, the chance of any harm coming to you and your family is extremely remote.