Hypercalcemia in African Americans
According to the Mayo Clinic, symptoms of hypercalcemia can range from none at all to fatigue, muscle pain, vomiting and excessive urination. Older African Americans are more likely to be symptomatic than younger people.
In most cases, people with hypercalcemia have an overactive parathyroid gland, which helps the body control calcium levels. However, other conditions can cause hyercalcemia, like cancer, too many vitamin supplements and some medications like lithium. According to MedlinePlus, hypercalcemia affects only a small portion of the population, and gender more than race appears to play a part.
Treatment for hypercalcemia depends on the cause and treatment is the same for African Americans as it is for every other race. If the symptoms are severe, your doctor may recommend hospitalization until your calcium level is under control. In severe situations, your doctor may recommend the removal of overactive parathyroid gland.
If you leave hypercalcemia untreated it can lead to even more serious problems like kidney failure, osteoporosis and nervous system issues like dementia or a coma.
According to the Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences, race really plays no role in the development of hypercalcemia making it a condition that affects just as many African Americans as other races.