Natural Ways to Dissolve Fibroids
According to the website "Fibroids1," acupuncture can help to shrink fibroids. Acupuncture helps to clear and tonify (an acupuncture term meaning to strengthen and cleanse) the body’s healing channels by releasing blockages or restoring flow of energy. Acupuncture takes an individual approach, so each treatment for fibroids will be according to the individual case.
According to the website "Women’s Health Information," exercise can play a major role in helping to dissolve fibroids. Aside from the general health benefits regular exercise imparts, it also helps to regularize menstrual periods and hormones—both of which affect the growth or dissipation of fibroids.
Reduce Estrogen Intake
Although the cause of fibroids is unknown, according to the website "Women’s Health Information," estrogen plays a major role in promoting their growth. Fibroids will disappear after menopause, when estrogen levels drop, but reducing exposure to estrogen helps to dissolve fibroids naturally. This involves being aware of your intake of phyto-estrogens and estrogen-mimicking chemicals in products like birth control pills and bleached tampons, on food from pesticide and herbicide residue and, of course, from any hormone-therapy treatments.
Herbal Remedies
The "Intestinal Health Institute" website outlines a number of herbal remedies that help to dissolve fibroids. Most herbal remedies require consistent use for one month or more, and tinctures designed for treating deep-rooted causes of bodily imbalance may take up to six months. Herbal remedies that help to dissolve fibroids include extract of yucca root, blue and black cohosh root, poke root oil, dandelion and echinacea as well as rose hip extract. Herbal remedies should always be mixed and taken with the advice of a qualified herbal practitioner.
Diet and Lifestyle
Diet and lifestyle factors play a major role in fibroid growth. According to the website "Fibroids1," caffeine and sugar intake, as well as alcohol and cigarettes, all intervene in the body’s ability to naturally dissolve fibroids. Stress, sleep and work life also come into the picture, as these issues can affect hormonal balances in the body. Meat products that have been treated with hormones and fruit and vegetables with chemical spray residues should be avoided, as these can increase estrogen levels or be treated by the body as estrogen and increase fibroid problems.