Gallbladder Polyp Symptoms
Small Polyps
UMMC states that polyps below 10 mm in size carry no specific symptoms, and the Merck Manuals agree, saying that gallbladder polyps generally have no symptoms.
Larger Polyps
UMMC states that large polyps are removed to avoid possible cancer-related conditions of the gallbladder such as carcinoma and cholangiocarcinomas. However, these conditions are considered rare by the Merck Manuals.
Carcinoma Symptoms
The Merck Manuals state gallbladder carcinoma is a cancerous type of tumor, typically seen in American Indians, people with large gallstones (greater than 3 cm) and people with extensive gallbladder calcification. Symptoms include pain, weight loss and abdominal mass.
Cholangiocarcinomas Symptoms
Cholangiocarcinomas are bile duct tumors seen in two in 100,000 people. When found, they are most often malignant. The Merck Manuals state only vague symptoms for this condition in the form of abdominal pain, weight loss and anorexia.
Gallbladder polyps do not directly cause symptoms in most people and are rarely found in people during testing. The Merck Manuals state, "They are found in about 5% of people during ultrasonography."