What Is a Calcified Uterine Fibroid?
Abnormal cell growth along the muscle and soft tissue causes small lumps to develop on the outside or the inside of the uterus walls. As cells continue to cluster, the lump grows. Some fibroids can remain quite small while others can grow to 20 cm in diameter.
Who is susceptible?
Fibroids begin to appear after a woman reaches child-bearing age. They affect about three out of four Caucasian women and three to nine times more women of African-American heritage in the United States.
The causes ascribed to the formation of fibroids include: estrogen buildup, obesity, nulliparity (childlessness) and internal imbalances of chemicals that regulate tissue growth.
According to speaker and publisher, Louise Hay, the mental cause of fibroids is a woman's inability to release a past relationship.
Over ninety percent of the calcium that enters the body is used for bone and teeth growth. Imbalances in the body cause calcium salts to accumulate around non-normal tissue such as scar tissue, cysts, tumors and fibroids. This is called calcification.
Most women don't know that they have fibroids and will not be impacted by them. Alternately, some women may experience irregular periods, back pain or heavy menstrual bleeding.
While fibroids can pose a serious challenge during pregnancy, it is possible to successfully give birth with fibroids.
Because fibroid growth is associated with estrogen levels, fibroids may shrink after menopause.