Signs & Symptoms of TMJ Problems
The main sign of TMJ problems is pain. A report from the American Academy of Otolaryngology says the pain can be located in the jaw, ear, temple, or cheek. The report describes the pain as either sharp and searing, or dull and aching. Pain associated with TMJ problems generally occurs whenever the patient swallows, yawns, talks, or chews. Ear pain due to TMJ problems often feels like an ear infection.
Jaw Popping
Another sign of TMJ problems is a popping, clicking, or grinding sound when the patient moves her jaw. This symptom usually occurs whenever the patient tries to open her jaw widely. In severe cases of TMJ problems, the patient may experience popping sounds when she's talking.
Jaw Locking
TMJ problems can also prevent the patient's mouth from opening. The jaw may lock in one position, or only open a small amount before it locks. In some cases, patients may be unable to open their jaw at all. Doctors at the American Academy of Otolaryngology say some patients may suffer a dislocated jaw as part of a TMJ disorder. Dislocation can cause the jaw to lock while it's open wide.
Jaw Tenderness
TMJ problems may also cause tenderness in areas of the jaw and face. During an examination for TMJ problems, doctors may feel around the jaw to locate areas of tenderness.
Muscle Spasms
Some patients suffering from a TMJ disorder may also experience muscle spasms. These spasms may occur along the jaw line when the patient is chewing or biting.
Uneven Bite
Sometimes TMJ problems can be caused by an uneven bite. This can happen if some of the teeth are making contact too early before others during a bite, so doctors at the Mayo Clinic will often check the patient's bite to see how the teeth are making contact.
Ringing in the Ears
Most TMJ patients suffer many of the other symptoms, but occasionally they experience ringing in the ears.