Liver Cleanse for Weight Loss
A liver cleanse is used by individuals desiring to lose weight or who have suffered damage to their liver. Excessive weight is usually the result of overeating, which causes the body to store ingested foods in the form of fats. Damage to the liver can cause inadequate urination, sluggish bowels, gallbladder obstruction and constipation--symptoms that can cause the accumulation of unnecessary toxic materials within the body.
By utilizing a liver cleanse, you may be able to encourage the removal of these unnecessary materials and fats from your body. Supplements ingested during a liver cleanse aid the liver in its role in thermogenesis (metabolism). The higher and more functional your metabolism is, the greater your chances of losing weight.
Liver Cleanse
There are several different recipes for a liver cleanse. For example, take a 16-ounce bottle of either extra virgin olive oil or walnut oil and run it under hot water. Next, mix 4 ounces of the oil with an equal or slightly greater amount of organic apple juice. Drink the resulting mixture and follow it with 4 ounces of freshly-squeezed organic lemon juice. Repeat this process until all the oil has been consumed. Take the herbal remedy digestorum or paracelsus elixir for two weeks to one month following the liver cleanse. These herbal remedies help promote liver, stomach, gallbladder and pancreas function.
This recipe will increase bowel movement and help rid your liver and gallbladder of unnecessary materials. Do not engage in rigorous activity or lean forward immediately after drinking the recipe as this can often result in nausea that may cause vomiting.
While a liver cleanse is often an effective means to losing unnecessary weight, it should not be relied upon solely for weight loss. Talk with a doctor or other medical professional before utilizing a liver cleanse. A medical professional will be able to provide you with further insight concerning which liver cleanse ingredients would be most beneficial to your body.
A liver cleanse cannot cure chronic liver complications or diseases. If you are diagnosed with a complication of the liver, seek medical attention immediately, as liver disease can be fatal.