Can You Get Sun Poisoning From Tanning Beds?
The sun emits ultraviolet rays known as UV rays. People who have photosensitivity, or sensitivity to these UV rays, can develop sun poisoning after being in the sun for too long. Tanning beds also emit UV rays, according to Mayo Clinic, and can cause sun poisoning.
Risk factors
If a person is female, under 30, has a family history of photosensitivity and is fair skinned, she is may be more at risk of developing sun poisoning.
A physical exam is the most common technique used to diagnose sun poisoning. Other diagnostic tools such as blood tests, skin biopsy and phototesting may be used.
According to Mayo Clinic, treatment is usually not needed as sun poisoning usually only lasts a few days. In the case that it lasts more than a week, nonprescription anti-inflammatory creams will help ease the symptoms of the condition.
Prevention and solution
Sun poisoning can be prevented by lessening the time spent under UV rays and wearing sunscreen or by using other protective measures.