Golden Seal Drug Detox

Detoxifying the body using herbs is a centuries-old practice, and some forms of alternative medicine still encourage the herb detox. Indeed, many herbs are still used in clinically tested (and clinically proven) medicines and supplements. One question that lingers is whether goldenseal can detoxify in advance of a drug screening. While goldenseal does have the ability to detox your body, it may be unable to remove drugs from your system or help you pass a drug test.
  1. As a Drug Detox

    • Goldenseal supplements are sold in a number of forms. When used as a drug detox agent, goldenseal is available in both liquid form and capsule form. In capsule form as a detox agent, take goldenseal twice daily or according to the directions on the capsules you purchase. In liquid form, take two to three drops of goldenseal added to an eight-oz. glass of water. Drink between four and six glasses of water mixed with goldenseal daily for a period of several days to a week in order to detoxify the system. (Note: This use is controversial; see warning for more information.)

    Other Benefits

    • Berberine is the primary component in goldenseal responsible for its beneficial health effects. Berberine kills bacteria and other germs in the body. It can also activate your white blood cells to help your body to fight infection and purge drugs and other harmful toxins. Because of the relative safety of goldenseal and the beneficial effects as a detoxifying agent, take one dose of goldenseal daily as a preventative measure, or take it in the larger doses as an immediate detox agent.

    Drug Detox Warning

    • Goldenseal has become popular as an aid to pass a drug test, as it is known for its detoxifying properties and is also believed to mask the presence of marijuana in the body. Be aware that if you're trying to pass a drug screening, Gardens Ablaze states that goldenseal has no effect in ridding the body of the chemicals, such as THC, that remain for months after you use marijuana. While goldenseal has many healthful effects and can detoxify the body of impurities, it is generally unsuccessful at producing clean urine for a drug test. Moreover, if you're attempting to pass a drug test after having used illicit substances, goldenseal has such a reputation as a possible detoxifying agent that testing companies screen for it as well in a urinalysis, meaning the mere presence of goldenseal in your system may arouse suspicion and even cause you to fail a drug test.

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