Cures for Hearing Loss & Tinnitus
Hearing Loss Treatment
Temporary or reversible hearing loss should be looked at immediately by a doctor. Treatment depends on the cause of the hearing loss. Hearing loss that is caused by pain killers, ear infection, injury to the ears or head from an accident and earwax can all be reversed. Treat the causes of the hearing loss to improve hearing. Desist any medications that may be causing hearing issues. Ask your doctor for ear infection treatment and the removal of ear wax.
If the cause of the hearing loss is due to Meniere's disease, acoustic nerve damage or otosclerosis and growth of bone in the ear canal, it will require surgery.
Tinnitus Treatment
Have tinnitus therapy to help ease the effects of the ringing in the ears. Tinnitus, according to Ohio State University Tinnitus clinic, is a condition shared by 40 million Americans. Although it is prevalent, there is no cure for tinnitus, although there is therapy options.
Try acoustic therapy to augment regular sounds to lessen the perception of the ringing of tinnitus. Sound generators and hearing aids can be worn in the ears to lessen patients' ability to perceive the ringing sounds. Audio CDs and sound units by the bed can help a patient get sleep at night. Medicines are also available to aid sleeping and concentration during the day.
Irreversible Hearing Loss
If hearing loss is due to old age or severe, irreversible trauma, seek out alternative therapies that will help you cope with the hearing loss. Hearing aids can be worn in the ear or assistive listening devices can be installed in the home to augment conversation in a room. Have alerting devices installed in the home. Alerting devices augment the sound of doorbells, ringing telephones or anything that makes a noise. For severe hearing loss, alerting devices are available that use lights instead of sound. Closed caption television and text telephone (tty) can help a patient with severe hearing loss see instead of hear words.