Memory Loss & Diet & Supplements

As you age, some level of memory loss is to be expected; it is a natural consequence of aging. However, at some point, the line between expected and unnatural memory loss can be crossed, resulting in difficulty performing routine tasks and chronic frustration as your ability to focus on crucial details becomes diminished. While diet and supplements cannot provide a full-blown cure for memory loss, they can help you to keep natural memory loss to a minimum.
  1. Memory Loss

    • According to the American Academy of Family Physicians, as you age, your brain will naturally begin to lose brain cells and decrease its output of important neurological chemicals, which can lead to mild memory loss. The most typical type of memory to be affected by these neurological changes is the extended short-term memory--the line between the short and long term memory. An example of one common memory-related ability that diminishes with age is the ability to remember names of people you have recently met.

    Memory Loss Diet Research

    • According to James Joseph, M.D., director of the Neuroscience Lab at Tufts University, diets rich in antioxidants have been shown to have a positive effect on age-related decline in memory. Additionally, research conducted at the Medical University of South Carolina has found a correlation between age-related memory loss and diets rich in cholesterol and saturated fats.

    Memory Loss Diet

    • Considering the research, the best diet to prevent memory loss would be one rich in fruits and vegetables, especially richly colored items like all forms of berries, oranges, cherries, red grapes and plums. Good vegetables to include in your memory retention diet include spinach, broccoli, beets, onions and Brussels sprouts. For maximum effect, this influx of fruits and vegetables should be coupled with a reduction of items high in saturated (animal) fats like red meats, along with watching your total intake of cholesterol.

    Memory Loss Natural Supplements

    • According to Greg Cole, M.D., a director at the Alzheimer's Center at the University of California, curcumin is one potential spice that has been shown to have a positive effect on retention. Animal studies published in "The Journal of Neuroscience" determined that curcumin was effective at reducing the build up of memory-reducing plaque in brains of mice. Additionally, supplementing with a B-vitamin complex can help as well.

    Other Memory Loss Supplements

    • The University of Maryland Medical Center recommends the following supplements to combat memory loss: ginseng (American, Asian or Siberian), carnitine, ginkgo biloba, rosemary and green tea. While you certainly do not have to make all these compounds a part of your daily memory-retention diet, you might want to try one or two to see how well they affect your particular situation.

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