Kegel Exercises & Men
Performing Kegels
To perform a Kegel, you will contract the same muscles that you would use to halt the flow of urine midstream. Sit on a chair or lie down and time your contractions with your breathing. Relax as you inhale. As you exhale, contract the muscles of your pelvic floor, feeling them ascend upward into the body. Hold this contract for the duration of your exhalation, then release as you inhale. Repeat for 10 to 20 reps, performing two to three sets per day.
Kegel Benefit--Ejaculation Control
Having superior control over your Kegel muscles can help you to halt premature ejaculation. While having sex, as you feel yourself about to orgasm, forcibly contract the pelvic floor muscles, holding them until you regain control. This can delay orgasm and help you to get more out of sex. Control will improve steadily over time, but you should notice some improvement after four to six weeks of regular practice.
Kegel Benefit 2--Improved Erections
Aside from delaying orgasm, regular practice of Kegel exercises can also help to increase the quality of your erections. This occurs because Kegel muscles directly control (or limit) the amount of blood that can enter the penis during an erection. Regular practice can increase this amount, increasing both firmness and rigidity. In fact, Kegels are regularly prescribed to individuals to help them combat impotence.
Kegel Benefit 3--Improved Orgasms
The muscles exercised during practice of Kegel exercises are the same muscles that contract during orgasm. Thus, increasing the strength of these muscles can lead to a more intense orgasm. Do not expect miracles overnight, but with steady practice you should notice a marked increase in contractile quality during orgasm.
Kegel Benefit 4--Improve Prostate Health
Regular practice of Kegel exercises has been prescribed for treating conditions such as benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostate inflammation. As keeping your prostate in full working order can help prevent unwanted trips to the doctor, regular practice of Kegels is a must for maintaining the health of your pelvic floor as you grow older.