Adrenal Exhaustion Diet
What is Adrenal Exhaustion?
Adrenal glands are two small glands located above the kidneys. Adrenal exhaustion means your adrenal glands are not working in an optimal manner, which adversely affects the release of about 50 hormones that regulate bodily processes.
Symptoms of Adrenal Exhaustion
Some symptoms of adrenal exhaustion are inability to lose weight, salt cravings, insomnia, absent-mindedness, decreased sex drive and decreased ability to handle stress. There is usually a clear pattern when energy decreases substantially in the middle of the day. Because many of these symptoms might be caused by other conditions, it is important to seek physician intervention and to rule out any other possible problems. Work with a physician who has experience and knowledge of adrenal exhaustion.
Lifestyle Changes
Dietary changes are necessary in order to address adrenal exhaustion. However, there are other areas of life where making changes can help. Learn relaxation skills such as meditation, systematic muscle relaxation or deep breathing. Find what works for you. Use a counselor, friend or relative if you need help in this area. Try to find ways to laugh more because that helps the adrenal glands. Get plenty of sleep. Take periodic breaks in which you lie down. Eat regular meals. All these changes can improve the efficiency of the adrenal glands.
Diet for Adrenal Function: Carbohydrates
The first dietary change that should be made is to decrease the carbohydrates you consume. Don't cut out carbohydrates completely, but consume carbohydrates that are whole grains. Avoid processed carbohydrates such as pasta, rice and breads that are not made of whole wheat. When eating, pair any carbohydrate with a protein. Proteins are found in meat, nuts, or dairy, or in a combination of grains and legumes.
Diet for Adrenal Function: Foods to Avoid
There are some foods and substances that should be avoided in order to ensure positive adrenal functioning, including caffeine, trans and saturated fats, chocolate, processed food and junk food.
Diet for Adrenal Function: Foods to Add
Your diet should be full of vegetables. In addition, it is often helpful to take salt each day. Consume approximately an eighth of a teaspoon upon rising and also a half hour before the lowest energy time of day. The salt should be added to a glass of water. The better salts to use are sea salt or Celtic salt. Also make sure to have fats at each meal. Choose healthful oils such as olive, safflower or nuts.
Work with Your Physician
Changing your diet, increasing chances for laughter, practicing relaxation, exercising and getting plenty of sleep are all ways to address adrenal exhaustion. If you believe this might be an issue for you, these lifestyle modifications will give you relief.