Leg Swelling Relief
Elevate your legs whenever possible to help relieve swollen legs. Elevating the legs makes it easier for the heart to circulate blood and allows fluid to travel back through the body. If possible, elevate your legs above the heart for 30 minutes, three to four times a day. If you are unable to elevate your legs throughout the day, elevate them at night while you are sleeping.
Limit Salt Intake
Limit your intake of salt or avoid it all together. Eating too much salt makes the body retain water. For those with edema, salt makes swelling worse.
Diuretics, or water pills, are taken to help get relieve water retention. Extra fluid that is retained in the body can cause the legs to swell. Water pills are normally taken before meals and at bedtime. At least 8 ounces of water should be consumed while taking diuretics. An increase in urine output helps reduce extra water in the body and therefore reduces swelling in the legs. Before taking any diuretic, consult a physician.
Massaging your legs will help move extra fluid through the body. Prop your legs up and massage them in a firm, but not painful, motion up toward the heart for 10 minutes.