Health Hazards of Fiberglass Roofing Materials
Skin Irritation
The particles in fiberglass can greatly irritate the skin upon contact among people who are sensitive to it. Common symptoms associated with it are redness, itching, and the possible formation of a rash. Fiberglass has many fine particles in it, and these can prickle the skin when the material is being handled, much like a splinter. It is best to handle fiberglass insulation with gloves, to prevent any prolonged exposure. If the skin gets irritated, rinse it thoroughly with water as soon as possible.
Eye Irritation
Fiberglass can irritate the eyes in the same manner as it does the skin. The eyes can start watering, turn itchy and red, and severe swelling can result. Vision can be adversely affected as well. Safety goggles can help prevent this from happening, as well as working in a well ventilated area so fiberglass particles can be dispersed in air currents. If one or both eyes start to show irritation, they should be rinsed out with water immediately.
Small particles of fiberglass can float in the air and be inhaled into the lungs. While the risk of cancer and other conditions related to handling fiberglass have been debated, there is no doubt that asthma and other respiratory problems can result from exposure. Stomach irritation can also result if any of the fibers are inadvertently swallowed. Using a dust mask and working in a ventilated area can help limit this risk. If you start to experience breathing problems while working with fiberglass, move into fresh air as soon as possible.