Nose Folliculitis
Nasal folliculitis may occur when the hair follicles in the nose become infected. Folliculitis often appears as small, white bumps around the hair follicles.
The symptoms of nasal folliculitis are small bumps in the nose, bumps in the nose that are filled with pus, itching of the nose, and redness of the skin inside the nose.
Some complications that can result from nasal folliculitis are destruction of the hair follicles, thick boils that are the result of scarring, and cellulitis. Cellulitis is an infection that can spread quickly throughout the bloodstream and can be a serious medical condition.
Some cases of nasal folliculitis will clear up without medication. If the condition is ongoing or becomes severe, it may be necessary to treat the infection with a topical ointment or oral antibiotic.
Nasal folliculitis can cause itching and sores in the nose. If you have symptoms of folliculitis, consult a doctor to determine if antibiotic treatment is necessary. Some other types of folliculitis are hot tub folliculitis, tinea barbae and pseudofolliculitis barbae (also known as barber's itch).