What Is a Canker Sore on the Tonsils?
According to the Mayo Clinic, most canker sores present as small, circular sores that are white or yellow. Depending on the severity they can range in size from small to over 1/2 inch.
According to OraMD.com, tonsil canker sores usually result from an allergy to food, toothpaste or medication.
Poor oral hygiene can also cause canker sores on the tonsils. People who vigorously brush their teeth can break the skin on the tonsil, resulting in sore.
Unlike cold sores, similar sores that appear the lip, canker sores are not contagious.
Most canker sores resolve themselves in a matter of weeks. Numbing gel can be purchased over the counter to relieve irritation but there is nothing you can do to heal a canker sore on the tonsils but wait for it to go away.