Signs & Symptoms of Low Red Blood Count
Fatigue or Weakness
Fatigue and weakness represent very common symptoms of anemia. This occurs because the organs and tissues do not receive enough oxygen. However, since there are many causes of fatigue, people who feel fatigued or weak should not simply assume they have anemia.
Dizziness is another symptom of anemia. The dizziness can occur when the brain does not receive enough oxygen.
Very pale skin or pale nail beds may also signal anemia. Paleness occurs because of a lack of hemoglobin, a protein in red blood cells.
Shortness of Breath
People suffering from anemia may also experience shortness of breath. Shortness of breath can occur when your tissues and organs do not receive enough oxygen.
Low Body Temperature
People with anemia often have a low body temperature. If you have anemia, you may feel cold or experience numb or cold hands and feet. This occurs because your extremities do not receive enough oxygen.
Chest Pain
People with anemia may also suffer from chest pain. This occurs when parts of the heart do not receive an adequate amount of oxygen.
Headache represents another symptom of anemia. Headaches can occur when the brain does not receive enough oxygen.
Cognitive Difficulties
People suffering from anemia may have trouble thinking or concentrating, and may be irritable. Their performance at work or school may decline. This can occur because the brain does not receive enough oxygen, or may be caused by one of the other symptoms of anemia.