What Is Tingling?
The classic pins and needles sensation of tingling is one form of a condition called paresthesia (abnormal sensation), according to MD Guidelines. It is frequently associated with numbness, and typically arises as a symptom of other conditions or ailments.
Medline Plus cites potential causes of tingling and numbness that include nerve trauma, abnormal pressure on the spinal or peripheral nerves, lack of blood supply, and infection with the herpes zoster virus.
Additional Causes
Additional potential causes of tingling and numbness include multiple sclerosis, diabetes, carpal tunnel syndrome, toxin-related nerve damage, vitamin deficiency, underactive thyroid and medication side effects, according to Medline Plus.
Treatments for tingling and numbness vary according to the underlying cause, reports Medline Plus. In some cases, treatment can reverse the effects of tingling or numbness, or prevent symptoms from deepening.
You should seek emergency medical attention for tingling or numbness associated with weakness or paralysis, or symptoms that occur in the aftermath of back, neck or head injuries, notes Medline Plus.