Dog Ear Mites & Humans
The mite looks like a tiny speck of white. Examining an earwax sample or scraping under a microscope may be necessary for diagnosis.
On dogs, the mites lay eggs, which hatch in the ear, feed on earwax and skin oil and reproduce more mites in three weeks. The mites cause inflammation and allergic reaction.
A zoonotic disease is a disease that can pass from an animal to humans. Although it is rare for humans to get ear mites, it is possible, according to Lee Pickett, V.M.D., veterinarian and columnist. However, mites do not reproduce on human hosts.
Symptoms of ear mite infection in dogs include itching and often the ears have a dry black discharge that looks like coffee grounds. Human symptoms include itching and skin rashes, according to Marvistavet.
Treatment for humans includes medication to control itching or infection from scratching. The mites cannot reproduce on humans and will die without further treatment.
Good hygiene after contact with the dog, washing the dog's bedding and treating the dog will help prevent reinfestation.