Signs & Symptoms and Treatment for Carotid Artery Stenosis
Slurred Speech
When the brain is deprived of oxygenated blood, symptoms such as slurred speech and difficulty understanding others are a warning sign of the serious condition. These symptoms could be the sign of a stroke or that a stroke is impending, according to the Mayo Clinic. Symptoms such as slurred speech may also be a sign of a transient ischemic attack, which is a sudden loss of blood to the brain, according to El Camino Hospital.
Vision Loss
Vision may become blurred or a loss of vision in one or both eyes. With a transient ischemic attack, the loss of vision is temporary and may last for only a few minutes or 24 hours. A transient ischemic attack may be a warning sign of an impending stroke and requires immediate medical attention.
Numbness and Tingling
Numbness and tingling occurs on the face or the arms and legs and may be confined to one side of the body.
Patients with a loss of blood flow to the brain may experience paralysis on one side of the body. The patient may not be able to move the affected limbs. A transient ischemic attack does not always occur before a stroke. During a stroke, patients experience a loss of blood flow to the brain for a long enough period to cause permanent damage to the brain.
Patients experiencing a loss of blood flow to the brain may suffer from unconsciousness during the attack, according to Cedars-Sinai. While the symptoms of transient ischemic attack caused by carotid stenosis may be temporary, a doctor must evaluate them immediately. These attacks may be a warning sign of a stroke that could be disabling.
Stenting is a treatment for carotid stenosis that uses angioplasty to open the artery and remove the blockage. The stent is used in the artery to keep it open and improve blood flow. The procedure is less invasive than a surgery to open the arteries and remove blockage.
Anticoagulant Medications
Doctors use anticoagulant medication for patients who have a blockage that is less than 50 percent. Aspirin is an example of anticoagulant medications that prevent the occurrence of clots.
The surgery to remove plaque buildup from the arteries is an endarterectomy procedure. Doctors make an incision in the neck and remove plaque from the arteries to increase blood flow and reduce the risk of stroke.