The BVD Virus

Bovine Virus Diarrhea (BVD), is a disease that strikes cows. Though it can vary in severity, BVD can infect entire herds cows and be very difficult to treat properly.
  1. Types

    • BVD is broken into two groups, Type I and Type II. Both types are the same virus but a Type II infection is generally more severe.


    • Cattle affected with Type II BVD will often exhibit diarrhea, fevers between 107 and 111 degrees F, lack of appetite and respiratory symptoms.

    Acute Infection

    • In typical, acute infections, fevers are lower but diarrhea is more severe. Also, it is common for the diarrhea to contain blood.


    • Pregnant cows infected with BVD can pass the virus to their unborn calf, often killing the calf while in utero.


    • Since BVD is caused by a virus, there is no cure except allowing the disease to run its course. Fluids and antibiotics may be used to prevent other infections while the immune system is compromised.

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