Creosote Burn Remedies
Petroleum Jelly
One of the first methods of treatment involves treating the burn with petroleum jelly. However, this treatment should only be used if your burn is not an open sore, but a closed wound. If you treat an open wound with the jelly, it won’t allow heat to escape from the sore and the wound cannot heal. However, applying the jelly to a closed wound will protect it from further infection and anything in your environment that might worsen the sore.
You can also treat a creosote burn with toothpaste—as long as the toothpaste does not include a whitening substance. The toothpaste works to absorb the heat from the wound and prevents the wound from worsening beneath the skin. A whitening agent would hinder the toothpaste’s ability to do this, however, and thus not allow your burn to heal properly.
Turmeric Powder
Finally, if your burn is an open sore, you can use turmeric powder on the wound. You can sprinkle the powder directly onto the open wound. If the burn is closed, turmeric powder can still be used effectively as a paste. You make the paste by combining the powder with clarified butter and then applying this paste to your closed sore. In addition to helping the burn heal quicker, this paste also provides relief from the pain of the sore. Although the paste is usually used for closed wounds, it can also be used on an open wound.