Can Arch Supports Remedy Supination?
To remedy a supination problem, you must determine whether you have supination. Usually, with supination you consistently wear down the outside bottom of your shoes first. Looking at the heels of your shoes is a good way to check for supination. You might have problems because of supination. Supinators often have tight calf muscles, bunions or calluses on the outer portion of the foot or fifth toe, and painful feet, often in the ball or heel of the foot. Sprained ankles can be a problem as well.
Genetic improper alignment of the bones in the legs often causes supination. This condition is usually present at birth and noticeable at a young age. Other causes are an injury or a disorder of the nerves or muscles. High arches; lower leg inversion, often called "bowleggedness"; and weak ankles also can cause supination.
Injury Risk
The most important risk of injury is that a supinated foot gives you less flexibility and lower-than-normal shock absorption. For runners, this usually means you hit your heel hard and put stress on the arch of your foot. This can lead to pain in your feet, ankles, knees, hips or lower back.
Many people have functional arches and do not need arch supports. You could be one of them. If your feet have arches that you can see when sitting, but not at all when standing, you probably will benefit from some amount of arch support. If your arches are low but still present when you stand, you might just need corrective insoles. If necessary, you can add arch supports later.
If you are dealing with some pain, you can use arch supports temporarily until your pain subsides. Arch supports assist in healing injured tissues by decreasing the motion of your feet. Seven to 10 days after you are pain-free, remove the arch supports from your shoes. If you have the correct insoles in your shoes, the heel pain should not come back.
Although it is not clear why, an arch support might improve lower-leg movement by providing a broader than normal base of support to your foot. Start with an over-the-counter arch support. They are relatively inexpensive. Custom arch supports can be tried if an over-the-counter arch support is not helpful.
Having a professional examine the way you walk might help. He can make the best recommendations for your particular situation. If your supination is particularly troubling, your doctor might prescribe custom orthotic devices or arch supports that will help redistribute the weight on your feet. They also will help absorb shock better.
It is also helpful to stretch the muscles in your legs, right after you exercise when muscles are warm. Exercises that increase the strength in your ankles will decrease the risk of injury from supination. You could try balancing on one foot. Also try moving your ankles in a circular motion while your feet are in the air.