Medicinal Uses of Hydrogen
Hydrogen Sulfide
According to, hydrogen sulfide is frequently used in emergency medicine. When hydrogen sulfide is administered to patients who are undergoing cardiac surgery, it helps aid in healing and can reduce the effects of some heart problems. During a medical emergency such as myocardial infarction, a patient may be administered hydrogen sulfide directly into the heart during the surgery. Patients who are administered this shot experience an increased oxygen supply to the heart, which helps resuscitate it. Hydrogen sulfide can also help the heart by reversing the ill effects of reperfusion. Reperfusion is an undesirable byproduct of the process by which blood flow is restored into the heart. Reperfusion occurs when, after a period of inactivity during which the heart isn't receiving significant blood flow, a sudden return of blood causes inflammation and excess stress.
According to the Better Health website, tritium is one of the isotopes of hydrogen. This substance is used as a marker in the medical industry. A "marker" is a term that refers to test results that act as diagnostic tools. For example, a tumor marker refers to the levels of certain chemicals in the blood that doctor's use to determine how large a tumor is. Tritium, a highly radioactive material, is used extensively in X-rays and other kinds of medical imaging, to identify these tumor markers. As a result, it is one of the core ingredients in nuclear medicine.
Sodium Bicarbonate
According to the GI Care website, hydrogen is also a key ingredient in sodium bicarbonate. Sodium bicarbonate is found in both salt and baking soda. However, it is also used as a method of treating certain conditions due to its power to neutralize acidity. For example, sodium bicarbonate is used to treat medical conditions such as uclers, hyper-acidity in the digestive track, kidney stones, swelling of the face or any other part of the body, high blood pressure and heart disease.
Hydrogen Peroxide
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, hydrogen peroxide can be used as a disinfectant to clean wounds. This can reduce the risk of contracting a bacterial infection. Hydrogen peroxide also stops small vessel wound bleeding, and it can be used in oral hygiene as well.