Constant Dry Throat
Dehydration or throat irritations due to a cold or allergies can create a constant dry throat. Fortunately, there are tricks to remedy or soothe a dry throat. The key is recognizing and treating the underlying problem.-
Dehydration Effects
Dehydration from too much sodium or lack of fluids can trigger a constant dry throat. Increase the intake of water, reduce sodium consumption (no more than 1,500 mg a day) or suck on crushed ice.
Consider a Humidifier
Heating systems can create dry air inside homes. Constant exposure to dry air triggers a dry throat. A humidifier adds moisture living spaces.
Breathing in cold air in the winter months can also trigger a dry throat. Wrapping a scarf around the mouth and nose helps to avoid breathing in dry, cold air.
Benefits of Chewing Gum
Chewing gum stimulates the production of saliva, which helps relieve a dry throat and mouth.
Expert Insight
The "Doctor's Book of Home Remedies" recommends gargling with salt water to help soothe throat irritation and increase moisture.