What Are the Causes of Midriff Water Retention?
Too Much Sodium
A main cause of fluid retention in the midriff is excessive intake of sodium. Sodium, or salt, is a common seasoning that's used to prepare a variety of foods. Foods with high sodium include processed or packaged foods and most foods served at fast food restaurants and casual dining establishments.
Too much sodium dehydrates the body, which prompts the body to store extra water. This triggers fluid retention and extra body weight. Quickly reverse water retention by cutting back on sodium (no more than 1,500 mg a day) and drinking eight glasses of water a day.
Lack of Physical Activity
Regular exercise or physical activity quickly transforms your body. Lack of exercise plays a role in fluid retention. Too little exercise can also cause water retention in the midriff due to your body's inability to release stored water through perspiration. Exercise is imperative to ridding your body of toxins and excess water. Lack of exercise decreases blood circulation and sweating, which forces toxins and water to accumulate.
Prescription Medications
Certain medications such as corticosteroids and birth control bills can result in water retention. These specific drugs typically increase appetite and cravings for foods. Taking these medications increases your likelihood of consuming unhealthy foods and foods high in sodium. Additionally, these medications can alter the way your body metabolizes water. Drinking extra fluids to stimulate your kidneys and decreasing your sodium intake can relieve water retention.
Pre-Menstrual Syndrome
Pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) can trigger water retention in the midriff, commonly referred to a bloating. In this case, hormonal changes affect the way the body stores and metabolizes water, which induces a tightness or heaviness around the abdomen. Over-the-counter pre-menstrual medications, calcium supplements (1,200 mg a day) and magnesium supplements help control water retention associated with PMS.