What Is Median Neuropathy?
According to Balance Systems, Inc., musculoskeletal disorders, including CTS, account for nearly 7 percent of medical conditions. More than half of all CTS injuries result in 31 days or more of missed work.
Tingling and numbness in your hand or each of your fingers except your little finger are the most common symptoms. Weakness in your hand, as well as pain that radiates from your wrist to your shoulder or from your wrist to your fingers, are also frequent symptoms.
Repetitive motions involving wrist extension, such as typing or using certain tools, are well-known causes of CTS. However, CTS can also occur as a result of rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes and pregnancy-induced fluid retention.
People with CTS can find relief by wearing a wrist splint or taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatories or cortisone injections. When these therapies don't work, surgery can be an effective option.
Relax your hand so your grip is looser and less forceful. Bend and stretch your hands periodically throughout the day. Keep your hands and wrists warm by wearing gloves.