How to Treat C-Diff Naturally
Use probiotics supplements to reduce incidence of antibiotic-induced diarrhea and fight the infection directly. According to research published in the April 2006 American Journal of Gastroenterology, several strains of probiotics reduce diarrhea while the strain S. boulardii both reduced diarrhea and treated the infection.
Use oligofructose supplements to reduce diarrhea and recurrence of infection. A study published in the March 2005 volume of "Clinocal Gastroenterology and Hepatology" found taking oligofructose for 30 days in conjunction with antibiotics produced the aforementioned effects.
Talk to your doctor about faecal enema. This process involves inserting healthy microflora (friendly bacteria) into the body. According to the "Journal of Medical Microbiology," case studies of 85 people indicate 90 percent of them did not experience a recurrence of C-diff infection.