What Are the Causes of Tiredness in Upper Arms?
Tiredness, or fatigue, may affect the shoulders and upper arms. This can result in the inability to complete tasks that may require arm strength, such as lifting or carrying heavy objects.
Nerve Compression
Nerve compression is caused by a nerve that becomes confined or trapped in a space due to inflammation, disease or trauma resulting from an accident. Nerve compression can cause fatigue in the arms as well as paresthesia (tingling), pain, burning sensation, muscle weakness and muscle wasting.
Arm Injury
An arm injury, such as a fracture of the upper arm or a muscle strain of the arm, may cause weakness and fatigue in the affected arm. Other symptoms may include swelling, tingling and acute pain. An arm injury may take several weeks to heal and symptoms may last for several months.
Bicipital Tendonitis
Bicipital tendonitis is an inflammation of the bicipital tendon in the arm. This condition may cause pain and tiredness in the upper arm. Bicipital tendonitis can be caused by a shoulder injury (such as a rotator cuff tear), or arthritic inflammation. People who have bicipital tendonitis often complain of shoulder pain, fatigue in the upper arms, weakness and difficulty lifting or carrying heavy objects.
Tiredness and fatigue in the upper arms should be evaluated by a physician for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan if symptoms are persistent.