What Are the Causes of a Hair Lip Cleft Palate?
The Facts
According to the MayoClinic.com, the structures that eventually form the palate and upper lip usually fuse together during the first three months of pregnancy. Clefts occur when this process is disrupted.
Potential Causes
The March of Dimes and MayoClinic.com cite potential causes of lip and palate clefts that include genetic mutations; certain viral infections; maternal use of anti-seizure drugs and other medications; maternal smoking or alcohol use and folic acid deficiency.
Combined Factors
Some babies have a genetic susceptibility for developing lip or palate clefts, but the actual trigger for the condition may be an added environmental factor.
Genetic Sources
Genetic sources of lip and palate clefts may come from a baby’s mother or father. In some cases, these defects occur as part a larger genetic syndrome.
Single and Combined Mutations
Depending on the individual case, genetic mutations may trigger clefting of the lip or palate in isolation, or combined lip/palate deformity.