Will Steroid Creams Help a Nail Fungus?
When to Treat
Nail fungus infections are usually caused by these three types of fungus: dermatophytes, yeasts and molds. Dermatophytes are the most common fungus. They mostly grow on hair, skin, and nails. Most people get infected from infected objects, such as nail files, public shower floors and carpets. Yeasts are a type of fungus that grows on the nails and skin. A yeast infection can occur if you have a weaker immune system, get sick or use birth control pills or antibiotics.
Molds usually grow in the ground, but can spread to the nails and skin. However, this fungus isn’t spread by coming in contact with infected people. According to the Mayo Clinic website, you might have nail fungus if your nails are dull and fragile, misshaped or discolored. In some cases, your nail may even separate from its nail bed. You might experience some pain or smell a bad odor in the infected area as well. Other symptoms include white marks or a chalky nail surface.
Over-the-Counter Steroid Creams
There are several anti-fungal steroid creams that are sold over the counter and can be used to treat nail fungus. The common name brand non-prescription medications include Lotrimin, Micatin and Lamisil. All three of these creams treat the most common types of nail fungus, and they contain steroids and anti-fungal creams.
Prescription Creams
If over-the-counter nail fungus medications do not work, you may have to get a prescription from your doctor. The most common prescriptions include Penlac, Nizoral and Oxistat. According to the University of Maryland Medical website, Penlac can be in the form of a lacquer or nail polish. This medication is most effective with early fungus infections. It should be applied daily. Nizoral works effectively with several other types of fungus as well. As a cream, it should be used once to twice daily on the infected area. Oxistat is also effective with athlete’s foot, jock itch and ringworm. As a cream, it should be applied one to two times a day for a few weeks.