How to Treat Benzodiazepine Muscle Spasms
Assess severity and frequency of muscle spasms. If your muscle spasms significantly impair your functioning or constantly occur, skip to Step 5. If they are less severe or constant but are still uncomfortable, continue to Step 2.
Review prescribing instructions for your benzodiazepine medication, especially contraindications, interactions and warnings. Make sure that any medication you may be taking to treat the muscle spasms do not affect the benzodiazepine medication or cause other harm.
Engage in stretching exercises. Stretching exercises may alleviate muscle spasms.
Try aromatherapy, massage therapy or herbal remedies (such as celery seeds, cramp bark or passiflora) to help treat muscle spasms. Keep in mind that these treatments have not been adequately researched, so their effectiveness is not known (see Reference 1).
Take an over-the-counter medication. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) such as aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen may help treat your muscle spasms.
Contact your physician to discuss treatment options for the muscle spasms. If you are prescribed a muscle relaxant, discuss any potential interactions (i.e., increased drowsiness) that may occur when taking the muscle relaxant concurrently with benzodiazepines.