Diseases Caused by Car Exhaust
One of the most harmful chemicals in car exhaust, benzene can cause leukemia and lymphoma. It can suppress bone marrow, harming the ability of the body to produce blood cells. It also harms the ability of blood cells to mature.
These hydrocarbons are also contained in car exhaust. This set of chemicals can harm respiratory function, especially in children. Patients with asthma will see an increase in symptoms. In large amounts, PAHs can cause cancer and interfere with the proper function of the reproductive organs in both men and women.
Sulfur Dioxide
This chemical can aggravate asthma symptoms and, in serious cases, can cause severe bronchial blocking and swelling. It aggravates heart disease and can cause circulation problems.
Nitrogen Dioxide
This chemical has potentially serious effects on the lungs, leading to damage if inhaled over time. It can cause chronic bronchitis. For children especially, it can cause serious and chronic respiratory disease.
Carbon Monoxide
As is well known, this chemical can interfere with the body's ability to absorb oxygen into the bloodstream. If inhaled in high doses, it can lead to suffocation. Anything less than a fatal amount will cause dizziness, fatigue, nausea and flu-like symptoms. In lower doses, it can cause chronic fatigue and heart problems. It can also reduce brain function if inhaled over a long period of time in small doses.