Abdominal Hernia Repair
According to the Mayo Clinic, a hernioplasty is a surgical procedure that is similar to patching a tire and uses a piece of synthetic mesh to cover the portion of the abdominal wall that includes a hernia. Hernioplasties can be performed with a long incision or they may be done with a laparoscopic fiber optic tube that is inserted in a smaller incision.
Laparoscopic Hernioplasty Advantages
A laparoscopic hernioplasty causes less discomfort than a conventional procedure and a return to work and normal activities in a few days in many cases. Laparoscopic hernioplasties can be a good choice for patients with hernias on both sides of their body.
Laparoscopic Hernioplasty Disadvantages
Laparoscopic hernioplasties may have a higher risk of complications and there is a greater chance of recurring hernias.
A herniorrhaphy is a procedure in which the surgeon makes an incision in the groin, pushes a protruding intestine back into the abdomen and repairs the weakened abdominal muscle by sewing it together. Patients may not be able to resume normal activities until four to six weeks after this procedure.
Small Hernias
Many doctors refrain from surgery on smaller abdominal hernias if the patient does not suffer discomfort. Small hernias need to be monitored by a doctor and may require surgery if they grow larger.