What Is the Function of the Iliac Artery?
Right Common Iliac Artery
The right iliac artery is slightly longer than the left. This artery slants downward with the peritoneum, small intestines and branches of the sympathetic nerves in front of it.
Left Common Iliac Artery
The left iliac artery lies in front of the small intestines and superior hemorrhoidal artery and is approximately 5 cm long.
The common iliac arteries give off small branches to the peritoneum, psoas major, ureters and the surrounding areolar tissue.
The point of origin varies according to the bifurcation of the aorta. The iliac division can vary in location from person to person, but the left common iliac artery divides lower down more frequently than the right.
Fun Fact
The common iliac arteries also give off small branches to the peritoneum, ureters and surrounding areolar tissue, and occasionally give origin to the iliolumbar, or accessory renal arteries.